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November 12 2014 3 12 /11 /November /2014 14:43

We've watched a small part of a film called Ruby Bridges.


We've watched the end of this extract:

and the beginning of this one:

Lucas and Quentin wrote about these 2 extracts : "There was a little black girl going to school in a police car with her mother. She was about 6 years old. She didn't smile and she didn't cry. There was a police car in front of them and one behind them. There were 4 bodyguards, 4 US marshals.


There were racist people outside a school waiting for Ruby Bridges. They were angry, furious, mad and crazy. They were shouting and screaming because they didn't want a black girl in an all-white school.
The little black girl spent her first day at school in the secretary's office with her mother.
It took place in the state of Louisiana in 1960 in the USA."


Tom and Baptiste wrote about Ruby's second day at school : "Ruby was escorted on her second day at school. The 4 US marshals carried guns because Ruby needed protection. She was in danger.

There was demonstration outside her new school. People were holding signs ("No coloured here" or "Go home"). A racist man spat at Ruby.

Her teacher was Mrs Henry. She was white but she wasn't racist. She was from Boston, in the north of the USA. She took Ruby by the hand.
There were no other pupils in Ruby's classroom. She was alone with her teacher.
Two federal policemen sat outside her classroom."

Mathis and Clément wrote about her third day at school : "On her third day, Ruby went to school without her mother. Four US marshals drove Ruby to school. Ruby was wearing white only.

There was a demonstration again. There were barricades outside William Frantz school. White people were shouting and screaming. They were holding signs ("No coloured here" or "White only"). A racist woman spat on Ruby's white dress. Some white people were crying. An angry mother threatened to kill Ruby. She said: "I'm going to hang you."

"Nigger" and "KKK" were written on the school building. Someone threw a tomato. I think Ruby was courageous."

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Ce blog pédagogique a été créé par Madame Lebeau, professeur d'anglais au Collège Louis de Broglie à Ancemont près de Verdun.
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