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June 21 2014 6 21 /06 /June /2014 21:44

Nothing to do with school, although some of LDB pupils played in this clip, but a bit of fun !

Congratulations and thanks to Baptiste Kasprowicz and his very efficient team (We are happy from Verdun) for this wonderful video:


Enjoy !


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September 22 2013 7 22 /09 /September /2013 09:02

Here is the song we sang in class on Friday:


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December 25 2011 7 25 /12 /December /2011 05:00


How old is this popular Xmas carol?

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December 15 2010 3 15 /12 /December /2010 12:00

Here's the video This is a cat sung by Patricia:


As you can see, there is no sheep, no horse but there is indeed a duck!
Here's a question for you:
What musical instruments do they play?
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October 9 2010 6 09 /10 /October /2010 06:46

Looking for the song? Click here.


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May 8 2010 6 08 /05 /May /2010 15:42


Here's the song we sang in class a few weeks ago. Enjoy !

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February 1 2010 1 01 /02 /February /2010 09:57

What's the weather like? Read previous article.




Then listen to this song by Peter Weatherall and answer my question.




 What's the weather like today?

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January 31 2010 7 31 /01 /January /2010 17:52

To year-9 pupils who are learning their irregular verbs !

 preterit Every late


  What are the irregular verbs used in the song? Make a list.



Make sure to check previous article as well to test your knowledge and try to beat the record!

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January 16 2010 6 16 /01 /January /2010 07:00

As I've explained in class I want you to listen to these 4 songs and choose which one you like best.

Listen to your heart by DHT

You gotta be by Des'ree


Feel by Robbie Williams


Feel by Robbie Williams

So which is your favourite song? Vote now !

 The votes are open until January 25th (4 o'clock is the deadline).


And the winner is Robbie Williams ! We're going to study Feel in the next few days.

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December 19 2009 6 19 /12 /December /2009 18:40
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
is a fantasy film released in 1993. It tells the story of Jack Skellington, a being from "Halloween Town" who opens a door to "Xmas Town".

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  • : Pédagogie anglais English Club
  • : This blog is designed for French highschool students -from Louis de Broglie school in Ancemont OR from anywhere else- who want to improve their English.
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Pour info

Ce blog pédagogique a été créé par Madame Lebeau, professeur d'anglais au Collège Louis de Broglie à Ancemont près de Verdun.
Il s'adresse aux élèves désireux de progresser en anglais.
Son contenu est dans la continuité des activités et thèmes travaillés en classe. Ce blog propose de nombreuses ressources audio et vidéo ainsi que de nombreux liens vers des sites web très riches.
N'hésitez pas à réagir en écrivant un commentaire. Utilisez également cette fonction pour participer aux jeux concours. Attention, vos réponses doivent être rédigées en anglais.

English is fun, so join the fun !

