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January 31 2010 7 31 /01 /January /2010 17:52

To year-9 pupils who are learning their irregular verbs !

 preterit Every late


  What are the irregular verbs used in the song? Make a list.



Make sure to check previous article as well to test your knowledge and try to beat the record!

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January 30 2010 6 30 /01 /January /2010 18:37

Who is this?

Picure contest26


 What's his job? When and where was he born? How long ago was he born?

Well done Pierre (9A)! He is indeed Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th President of the United States. 

He was born in Hawaii 48 years ago, on August 4th, 1961.  He is the first African-American President.

Pic contest26http://1.bp.blogspot.com

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January 26 2010 2 26 /01 /January /2010 06:02




 Who is this ?

When was he born? How old is he? How long ago was he born?

Congrats Maxime (10A). His name is Robbie Williams indeed.


He was born on 13 February 1974 and he is 35 years old, nearly 36. He was born more than 35 years ago.
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January 16 2010 6 16 /01 /January /2010 07:00

As I've explained in class I want you to listen to these 4 songs and choose which one you like best.

Listen to your heart by DHT

You gotta be by Des'ree


Feel by Robbie Williams


Feel by Robbie Williams

So which is your favourite song? Vote now !

 The votes are open until January 25th (4 o'clock is the deadline).


And the winner is Robbie Williams ! We're going to study Feel in the next few days.

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January 14 2010 4 14 /01 /January /2010 08:00

  Who is this?


Well done Maxime (7D) ! This man is indeed Bill Gates.

He is a famous American businessman. He is Microsoft chairman and one of the richest men in the world.

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January 10 2010 7 10 /01 /January /2010 08:00
Hello there ! Here's my first challenge for the New Year :

Who is she ? How old is she ? When was she born ?
Quick ! Send your answers !

That was quick indeed ! Congrats Julia (8A). This is Queen Elizabeth II. She is 83 years old as she was born on April 21st, 1926.


Did you know that ?

Élisabeth II (en anglais Elizabeth II) est née à Londres le21 avril 1926 est  reine de 16 États indépendants et chef du Commonwelth depuis le 6 février 1952.

Outre le Royaume-Uni, elle est reine du Canada, de l’Australie, de la Nouvelle-Zélande, de la Jamaïque, de la Barbade, des Bahamas, de la Grenade, de la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, des îles Salomon, des Tuvalu, de Sainte-Lucie, de Saint-Vincent-et-Grenadines, d’Antigua-et-Barbuda, du Belize et de Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès.

Les seize pays dont elle est la reine sont désignés sous le nom de royaumes du Commonwealth, et leur population totale est de 130 millions de ressortissants. (Wikipedia)

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January 1 2010 5 01 /01 /January /2010 00:01
I wish you all the best for 2010 !

Happy New Year clock
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December 25 2009 5 25 /12 /December /2009 07:00
Christmas is a Christian festival which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.

Nativity crib
December 24th is called Christmas Eve. Eve (as in evening) means the day before. People get ready to welcome Santa Claus or Father Xmas, but they don't celebrate until Xmas Day.

December 25th is called Xmas day. In Britain, Xmas is the most important festival of the year. People get together, exchange presents and eat a traditional meal composed of turkey and roast potatoes, followed by Xmas pudding for dessert. At 3 o'clock, the Queen makes a speech on television.

December 26th is a holiday in England because in the past it was the day when the masters gave presents (boxes) to their servants. It is called Boxing Day.

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December 23 2009 3 23 /12 /December /2009 07:15
Here's Walt Disney Xmas movie. It is adapted from the book entitled A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

It is the story of a miserly, cold and unfeeling, old man whose name is Ebenezer Scrooge and his holiday conversion and redemption after being visited by four ghosts on Xmas Eve.

Who plays Mr Scrooge ?

Jim Carey
is Mister Scrooge. Well done Jessy (8A) !

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December 19 2009 6 19 /12 /December /2009 18:40
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
is a fantasy film released in 1993. It tells the story of Jack Skellington, a being from "Halloween Town" who opens a door to "Xmas Town".

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Ce blog pédagogique a été créé par Madame Lebeau, professeur d'anglais au Collège Louis de Broglie à Ancemont près de Verdun.
Il s'adresse aux élèves désireux de progresser en anglais.
Son contenu est dans la continuité des activités et thèmes travaillés en classe. Ce blog propose de nombreuses ressources audio et vidéo ainsi que de nombreux liens vers des sites web très riches.
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