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September 14 2015 1 14 /09 /September /2015 14:36
THE BIG CHALLENGE 2016 : save the date !

The next edition of The Big Challenge will take place on Tuesday, 3 May 2016. Be sure to mark your calendars!

The new site is on line now. You can already start reviewing basic vocabulary by playing the Yes No Game starting with easy categories (text and audio): colours, animals, school… It’s fun and it is free!

Enjoy !

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January 15 2015 4 15 /01 /January /2015 13:06
Les jeux en ligne du Big Challenge

Que vous vous inscriviez ou non au concours THE BIG CHALLENGE, vous avez la possibilité de vous entrainer tout en vous amusant :

- Le YES NO GAME pour réviser tout le vocabulaire de base – vous apprendrez d’abord comment le mot s’écrit, puis comment il se prononce.

- Le nouveau QUIZ pour revoir toutes les bases de la langue – quelque minutes par jour suffisent pour faire de vrais progrès.

Et puis avec les classements du quiz, vous pourrez voir votre progression mois après mois !

Ces applications fonctionnent sur ordinateurs mais également sur tablettes et téléphones. Et tout cela est entièrement gratuit !

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January 14 2015 3 14 /01 /January /2015 13:55
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January 1 2015 4 01 /01 /January /2015 14:02
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November 30 2014 7 30 /11 /November /2014 17:00

Thanks to Christian, one of Christina's pupil, year-10 C pupils decided to learn a bit more about a famous French freestyle football player. Here is what Arthur and Thomas wrote about him:


"His name is Arnaud Garnier, alias Séan Garnier. He was born in 1984 on June 18th. He is 30 years old. His best foot is his left one.

He started playing football when he was 6 years old. He played for Auxerre football club then Troyes football club. He was a midfield player.

He stopped playing football in 2004 because he got injured. He began freestyle football in 2004. He became World Champion in 2008. He won many French competitions in 2009, 2010 and 2012."


How well did you understand this article ? Year-10 C pupils came up with 10 questions about Séan Garnier to test your understanding. Here they are !

Good luck !



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November 28 2014 5 28 /11 /November /2014 10:33

Thanks to the European Union Student Exchange programme called Erasmus Plus Programme and thanks to Rachel, LDB amazing Music teacher, 10 motivated LDB students have won a free trip to the island of Malta.



Here is what 4 very lucky LDB students have written about it:


"We are Simon, Théo, Dorian and Léo. We live in the East of France and we go to LDB school in Ancemont. We are 14 years old. We are participating in an Erasmus Plus European project called Comenius project.logo-Comenius.png

This is the Comenius logo. It is a photo montage designed by last year's students. It represents the European flag and the five flags of the countries which are participating in the project : France, Belgium, Malta, Hungury and Italy. All the flags “dive” into the water.

There are ten officially selected pupils from LDB school, out of fifteen at the beginning.

We are going to Malta from November 30th to  December 6th to represent France. We are flying from Paris airport with 3 teachers."


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November 12 2014 3 12 /11 /November /2014 14:43

We've watched a small part of a film called Ruby Bridges.


We've watched the end of this extract:

and the beginning of this one:

Lucas and Quentin wrote about these 2 extracts : "There was a little black girl going to school in a police car with her mother. She was about 6 years old. She didn't smile and she didn't cry. There was a police car in front of them and one behind them. There were 4 bodyguards, 4 US marshals.


There were racist people outside a school waiting for Ruby Bridges. They were angry, furious, mad and crazy. They were shouting and screaming because they didn't want a black girl in an all-white school.
The little black girl spent her first day at school in the secretary's office with her mother.
It took place in the state of Louisiana in 1960 in the USA."


Tom and Baptiste wrote about Ruby's second day at school : "Ruby was escorted on her second day at school. The 4 US marshals carried guns because Ruby needed protection. She was in danger.

There was demonstration outside her new school. People were holding signs ("No coloured here" or "Go home"). A racist man spat at Ruby.

Her teacher was Mrs Henry. She was white but she wasn't racist. She was from Boston, in the north of the USA. She took Ruby by the hand.
There were no other pupils in Ruby's classroom. She was alone with her teacher.
Two federal policemen sat outside her classroom."

Mathis and Clément wrote about her third day at school : "On her third day, Ruby went to school without her mother. Four US marshals drove Ruby to school. Ruby was wearing white only.

There was a demonstration again. There were barricades outside William Frantz school. White people were shouting and screaming. They were holding signs ("No coloured here" or "White only"). A racist woman spat on Ruby's white dress. Some white people were crying. An angry mother threatened to kill Ruby. She said: "I'm going to hang you."

"Nigger" and "KKK" were written on the school building. Someone threw a tomato. I think Ruby was courageous."

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November 12 2014 3 12 /11 /November /2014 14:23

After watching a few extracts from the film Ruby Bridges, we studied this painting by Norman Rockwell:


The Problem we All Live With

Arthur and Thomas wrote: "This a painting by Norman Rockwell. It is an oil canvas painted in 1964. It is The Problem we all live with.

It shows Ruby Bridges, a 6 year-old little black girl, walking to school escorted by 4 US marshals in New Orleans in 1960. Ruby is wearing white only because white is the colour of peace and innocence. She is carrying her school stuff. She doesn't seem scared, she seems calm and confident.

We can't see the faces of her bodyguards. They are wearing suits and yellow arm bands.

We like this painting because it is beautiful."


Pauline C. and Elodie wrote: "The painting measures 36 inches high by 58 inches wide. We like it because it is against racism. We think Ruby was brave."

Hugo said : "I don't like this painting because the people were racist." 

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November 12 2014 3 12 /11 /November /2014 14:20

Fiona and Julie decided to write about Norman Rockwell :

"He was born in 1894 in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
He was American.
He enjoyed drawing very much.
He studied art at school.
He sold 321 paintings and drawings to the magazine, The Saturday Evening Post.
He was an artist. He was a painter and an illustrator. He produced 4,000 original works.
He died in 1978. He was 84 years old when he died."

Norman-Rockwell.jpgNorman Rockwell

To read more about Norman Rockwell, click here.

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November 2 2014 7 02 /11 /November /2014 17:38

We have studied this sculpture in class and this is what some of my 14-year-old pupils think:

Emilie : "This is a picture. On this photo I can see a sculpture of an American woman pushing a shopping cart full of junk food. This sculpture looks real. The sculptor is Duane Hanson.


Supermarket Lady by Duane HANSON, 1969-70

The woman isn't elegant, she is overweight. She is unattractive. She doesn't seem cheerful. She isn't smiling. She is middle-aged, maybe she is in her forties.  She is wearing a pink top, a blue skirt and light blue slippers. She has got  a yellow necklace, a bracelet and a black handbag. She has got curlers in her hair and she has a yellow scarf on her head. She is smoking a cigarette.


In her trolley there is so much bad food. For example, there is chocolate, sugar, cans, cakes but she doesn't buy fruits and vegetables ! I think she rarely does the cooking. Maybe she is a couch potato.

Duane Hanson wanted to denounce mass consumption in the USA in the 60's.

I like this sculputure because it is realistic, but I don't like it because the woman is ugly. So, I don't know if I like this sculpture or not."


Théo : " Duane Hanson was a Pop art artist. He wanted to criticize overconsumption and the consumer society."


Alice : "Duane Hanson was an American sculptor. He was born in 1925 and he died in 1996."


Paul : "The woman is unattractive. She is pushing a trolley full of fatty food in a supermarket."


Mathilde H. : "The woman is horrible. She is chubby."


Clarice : "The sculpture seems real."


Mathilde L. : "The full-scale sculpture is 1,66 m tall. The woman always eats fast food and she never eats healthy food. She should go on a diet or she should do sport !"


Justine : "I don't like this sculpture because it is not beautiful."


These texts were written by the pupils without any help. They didn't use the internet nor their notebooks.


To learn more about Duane Hanson, click here.

To discover more sculptures by Duane Hanson, click here.


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  • : Pédagogie anglais English Club
  • : This blog is designed for French highschool students -from Louis de Broglie school in Ancemont OR from anywhere else- who want to improve their English.
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Pour info

Ce blog pédagogique a été créé par Madame Lebeau, professeur d'anglais au Collège Louis de Broglie à Ancemont près de Verdun.
Il s'adresse aux élèves désireux de progresser en anglais.
Son contenu est dans la continuité des activités et thèmes travaillés en classe. Ce blog propose de nombreuses ressources audio et vidéo ainsi que de nombreux liens vers des sites web très riches.
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