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July 28 2012 6 28 /07 /July /2012 07:18

The wait is finally over and it certainly was worth waiting for as the ceremony was fantastic.


27 million people watched the ceremony in the UK alone and 4 billion people watched it worldwide.


the Olympic stadium

Daniel Craig alias James Bond escorted the Queen into the stadium and the funny thing is, they travelled by helicopter and jumped out of the helicopter with a parachute!


the Queen of England!

The Queen of England is 86 years old, so of course it wasn't the REAL Queen but it is worth watching though!

Another really amazing performance was that of Rowan Atkinson, alias Black Adder, Mr Bean and Johnny English:
Rowan Atkinson performing Chariots of Fire
The ceremony was indeed full of surprises!
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  • : Pédagogie anglais English Club
  • : This blog is designed for French highschool students -from Louis de Broglie school in Ancemont OR from anywhere else- who want to improve their English.
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Ce blog pédagogique a été créé par Madame Lebeau, professeur d'anglais au Collège Louis de Broglie à Ancemont près de Verdun.
Il s'adresse aux élèves désireux de progresser en anglais.
Son contenu est dans la continuité des activités et thèmes travaillés en classe. Ce blog propose de nombreuses ressources audio et vidéo ainsi que de nombreux liens vers des sites web très riches.
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