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February 11 2011 5 11 /02 /February /2011 11:06

Mme Markoulaki, a teacher of English from Greece, and myself have organised an email exchange between our pupils.

'Maria Markaki' school is a private language school in Heraklion, Greece.
My 50 students are in  year 7 C and 7 D and the Greek students attend B' Junior, A' Class and B' Class (read more about it here).
We are all so excited to engage in this type of communication!
Emails to follow will include exchanging cultural information and sharing amusing language activities, such as tongue twisters.
This is a sample of the exchange which has started:

Dear pen-friend,

 My name's .... I'm eleven and I'm French .I live in Monthairons, a village in the north-east of France. What's your name? What's your nationality? How old are you? I can play tennis and draw but I can't swim and skate. What can you do? I've got a white cat.Have you got a pet? I like chocolate and horses but I hate spiders and fish. Do you like music? Goodbye


Our names are ... and ... and we live in Heraklion on the island of Crete. We are Greek. We are ten years old.Winking smile

We can play volleyball and tennis, but we can't jump high. We have got a dog each. Sophia's dog is called Chloe and Maria's dog is called LinaDog faceDog face.

Yes,we like musicNoteNote.

Sophia is speaking now! I am in the fourth year of Primary School!Smile with tongue

Maria is speaking now! I  am  in the fifth year of Primary School!Winking smile

What are your hobbies? Smile
Please tell us about your family.
What is your favourite colour?Rolling on the floor laughing
What is your favourite animal?
Who is your best friend?Flirt-female
What is your favourite food?
What is your favourite drink?Red rose
What is your cat's name?Cat face

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  • : Pédagogie anglais English Club
  • : This blog is designed for French highschool students -from Louis de Broglie school in Ancemont OR from anywhere else- who want to improve their English.
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Pour info

Ce blog pédagogique a été créé par Madame Lebeau, professeur d'anglais au Collège Louis de Broglie à Ancemont près de Verdun.
Il s'adresse aux élèves désireux de progresser en anglais.
Son contenu est dans la continuité des activités et thèmes travaillés en classe. Ce blog propose de nombreuses ressources audio et vidéo ainsi que de nombreux liens vers des sites web très riches.
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English is fun, so join the fun !

