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June 19 2009 5 19 /06 /June /2009 09:25

Scotland is THE place to go to this year.


Caledonia, which is a romantic and poetic name for Scotland, celebrates her favourite poet, Robert Burns as it is the 250th anniversary of his birth this year.



He is the inspiration behind the year of Homecoming, a year-long celebration of Scotland's great contributions to the world.

The song, Caledonia which was originally sung by Frankie MILLER, a Scottish rock singer-songwriter, was a number one hit in Scotland in 1992.

Today it is taken up again by Scottish singer Amy McDonald, (This is the Life), by triple Olympic gold medallist Chris Hoy, a Scottish sprinter and Olympic champion, by Scottish actor Sean Connery, alias James Bond or 007, and other Scottish celebrities.

Here is the Homecoming 2009 video:

So do you fancy going to Scotland this summer ?

I'm sure you do.

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Ce blog pédagogique a été créé par Madame Lebeau, professeur d'anglais au Collège Louis de Broglie à Ancemont près de Verdun.
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